Fall in Love with RubyFrost Apples

People are talking about RubyFrost apples – and the reaction is unanimous!

“Best apple ever! My 92 year old Dad’s favorite too! Only apple that I get excited about and look forward to eating. Makes me happy when they are available. Can’t wait to get some!” says Karen.

“Gorgeous crunchy apples that are even fresh and yummy in the winter,” says Molly.

“These apples are simply delicious and the initial crunch into the apple makes me smile,” says Jayne.

And on Instagram…

“Hands down the best variety of apple 🍎!” [source]

“These are the most insanely red apples…. So happy to have Cornell University breeding awesome new apple varieties in NY state.”  [source]

“Excited to see RubyFrost apples at Tops Markets. Even more excited to see them flying off the shelf.” [source]


Americans are falling love with New York Grown RubyFrost apples for their perfect balance of sweet and tart, their incredible deep rich burgundy color and the apple’s ideal crisp texture.

In demonstration of their mutual affection, RubyFrost is giving away two sweetheart prize packs including a ruby pendant and RubyFrost Apples. One prize pack will be awarded on Valentine’s Day and the other at the end of February to two randomly drawn winners.

“We wanted to show our fans some love and what better way to say I Love You than with heart healthy apples and a gorgeous Ruby Pendant?” said Crunch Time Director of Marketing, Rena Montedoro.

RubyFrost is picked fresh during fall harvest but kept in cold storage for several months to allow the apple’s distinct flavor to develop. The apples are available in select markets from January into early spring, as supplies last.

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RubyFrost® Apple Kicks off Baker’s Little Helper Campaign

Cooking with your children or grandchildren has long-term benefits as well as short-term fun! During the month of March, RubyFrost Apples will be celebrating the fun, mess and memories made while cooking with kids. The online campaign #Baker’sLittleHelper will run through the month of March, with a perfect pack of baking tools and RubyFrost apples being awarded weekly. Participants can enjoy sharing recipes, baking tips, family traditions in the kitchen, and RubyFrost apple fan’s own recipes.

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Research indicates children who help out in the kitchen have a more positive connection to the meals they eat and are better able to recognize the importance of cooking fresh and making healthy choices.

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RubyFrost Apples offer the perfect balance of sweet and tart, deep and rich with a hearty crunch and ideal crisp texture. They are picked fresh during fall harvest but kept in cold storage for several months to allow the apple’s distinct flavor to develop. The apples are available in select markets from January into early spring, as supplies last.

a Rafflecopter giveaway